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Showing posts with the label parent life

The Whiteboard Calendar

I love to be organized, and with four children I have to be. I’ve used a white board calendar for as long as I can remember. I find it therapeutic to redo the calendar every few weeks and keep myself in touch with what’s to come. My family loves it, so we can all make plans accordingly and be on the same page. Our original white board was perfect for many years. Magnetic with a small cork strip at the bottom to keep import papers. The weekends together threw me off at first, but I quickly got used to it and found it helpful. It was an Amazon purchase that I only paid $16 for at the time. ( Found here ). In addition to our Calendar I keep a list on the fridge of all the things that need to happen daily. Not only does this free up space in my brain, but it lets everyone else know what needs to happen so they don’t have to wait for me to tell them. We recently upgraded our white board so I could have this list in the same place. The boxes for the calendar are slightly smaller

Little Redo: Kids Bathroom

I am 100% sure my kids don’t care about the décor of their bathroom, but your kids might. Either way they still deserve a beautiful clean space, and I really think it benefits them regardless if they realize.   As I write this, I’m finding out the only before pictures I took of this bathroom were after I was done, but before the new rug arrived. The benefit of that is that you can really see what a difference one item can make. I honestly think the room look and feels better without that faded old rug. I will let you know; most this décor was already here. The yellow and grey replaced princesses a few years ago. I was more than ready to have a bathroom that didn’t feel like a child’s playroom. Transitioning to a more grown-up space was a good time to make it clear they needed to start being responsible for their own hygiene more than before. While we can remind them to shower forever, hopefully we don’t have to. The bright color helps with morning moods as

Toddler Lunches

Here is a list if things my toddler (15 months) will actually eat in his lunch. Packed in Kinsho Bento Boxes I got from amazon. Cupcake liners when extra separation is needed.   -Yogurt -Go-Gurt -Cheerios -Nutri-Grain Bar -Teddy Grahams -Cheese - Chicken Nuggets -Eggs Bites -Harvest Snaps -Goldfish -Ritz Bits -Tortilla and Cheese - Crackers -Fish Sticks -Hotdogs -Freeze Dried Strawberries -Bananas -Mini Muffins -Mandarin Oranges -Smile Fries -Animal Crackers -Carved Deli Lunch Meat -Chicken Rice

Easter Basket Ideas

I try to prepare for holidays well in advance, but once I see something on our 4-week calendar I know I need to put it on my to-do list. This week I got everything for Easter baskets. I always take Easter baskets as a chance to get some practical things for spring and summer. Some of the stuff I would’ve bought either way, but adding them to their baskets helps the kids appreciate the items vs them just magically showing up for use every year. Our kids are age 10, 10, 8, and 1.5. They do still believe in the Easter Bunny (or they pretend to because it’s more fun that way).   This year I opted for storage totes as baskets. I know these will get used when we do our spring cleaning/organizing. I also went with specific favorites for candy, instead of one mixed bag like usual. A chocolate bunny is also a must! For some reason my kids prefer solid to hallow, so I always get a hallow bunny for myself.